Thursday, March 10, 2011

21 Months!

My little boy isn't so little any more. There are very few baby characteristics left in him at this point. It's so fun watching him learn new words and discover new things and I absolutely love this age but part of me is sad to say good-bye to the baby in him. Maybe I'll just hold onto the little bit of baby that's left in him until he turns two! Here is what's new with the big boy....

*He is saying many new words and is repeating EVERYTHING! His newest words are "Ba Na Na" (Banana) Apple, Ewww...Poopeee, Bobby, Meow, "Alla Wah" (All Aboard), Owwww, Coo-Coo (clock), E-I-E-O (this is in reference to his barn)

*He has started humming the ABC song.

*He makes tons of animal sounds and roars like a dinosaur even though he is afraid of them!

*His eating habits have taken a sudden turn for the worse. He is boycotting foods that use to be his favorite and is refusing most meals. I am hoping this is just a phase because he is going to drive me nuts if this doesn't stop soon. I hate the food that is being wasted at each meal. I've tried everything at this point....

*His two year molars are coming in and is drooling like crazy and constantly has his hands in his mouth. He sometimes points to his mouth and says owwwwww.

*Ryan loves helping out. He especially loves watering the plants.

*He loves his choo choo's, beep beeps (trucks), and goes crazy when ever he hears a plane. His newest obsession is to line up every train, truck, and car he has into a long row.

*When we are driving in the car all I hear him say is "Beep Beep" a hundred times as he notices every passing car.

*He likes telling secrets and will pretend to whisper. So cute!

*He loves pretending to snore and will do this at random times of the day. He will also pretend to snore as soon as I lay him down for a nap and bedtime.

*He is a very good listener and definitely knows when he does something he isn't suppose to do.

*Time-outs are pretty effective for him. He usually ends up in time out for telling me No!

*His favorite thing to say is "Oh Wow" or Oh No!

*He can take off his shirt over his head and tries to put on pants himself. He also tries to put his shoes on and gets frustrated that he can't do so on his own.

*He is very timid and afraid of anything new.

I'm sure I am leaving out many things but it is impossible to keep up with him anymore. He vocabulary has taken off and it seems like he says a new word or does something new every day. It's hard to believe we are coming up on a year home. To look at him and see just how far he has come in his one year home makes me so happy.


  1. Love This!!!!! He looks like a little man! So beautiful!

  2. This is such an awesome age, but they're definitely not babies anymore. Ryan is such a cute toddler!

  3. Fake snoring is HILARIOUS!...we agree...repeatedly around here. Funny. CUTE pics of your adorable boy. Hang onto the baby as long as you can...I'm still not letting mine least not completely (but there is less & less of him around all the nearly 28 mos!).

  4. Happy 21 months Ryan!!! Kyle also has an obsession with anything that moves:-)
