Tuesday, May 10, 2011

23 Months!

Hard to believe that we are just a month away from turning two! This age is both fun and challenging...more fun than anything. I love the words he says and his own version of certain words. He continues to hold the title of being strong-willed but is so many other things as well. Here is what Ryan has been up to....

*He is repeating so many words now it's hard to keep track of all of the words he is saying.

*A few new words include, "Circle", "Milk", "Ice-U" (ice-cream), "Key-U" (candy), tool, drill (droo), outside, book, and Zebee (Zebra), rock, dig-dig (truck), Chooch (church), Mickey and snack.

*He points to every truck or car and says "beep beep, circle" and points to the tires. (Daddy taught him about circles)

*I especially love how he calls Cooper "Boo-ca". We have actually all started to call Cooper "Boo-ca" now.

*Ryan is a very loud kid! He talks loud, plays loud, laughs loud, cries loud etc.

*Ryan loves being outside and gets very upset when it's time to come in. We are working on positive reinforcement when he comes in without a tantrum. He gets a M & M for coming in like a "big boy". This seems to be doing the trick.

*He has had a major growth spurt in the last few weeks and is wearing 2T shirts and 24 months pants...he is still on the smaller side.

*He is starting to hate having his picture taken...hopefully this is just a phase.

*Ryan loves music, instruments, and dancing!

*He is not much of a fan of coloring or painting...prefers to count the crayons and put them back in the box.

*He counts everything, in his own way of counting...2, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8,9...Eight and nine seems to be his favorite numbers.

*He is starting to form 3 word sentences...."Bye Bye Dada See-ya", Night, Night Boo-ca See-ya"

*He adds "see a" in front of everything now. "See a bee" or "See a broke" or "See a milk"

*He LOVES helping mommy and daddy and especially loves helping daddy use the real tools!

*He is afraid of EVERYTHING...always has been. He is currently afraid of bees and flowers...weird I know!

*Every bug outside is a bee... (he gets this from his favorite book about bees)

I have to say that I am very proud of the little boy Ryan is turning out to be. He is generally very happy although can be VERY moody at times. He is always sweet, loving, cuddly, friendly, and silly. I love his personality and how he loves to dance and listen to music....just like his mommy! We spend so much time dancing around the house and being silly! I just love this little boy.


  1. What a sweet post...and little boy. Time is really flying.

  2. Suddenly he is looking like a bigger boy to me...must be because he is almost TWO!?! Wow. Love his striped shirt in these pics.

    D loves to count too, but likes to skip 7 & 8...moving full-steam ahead to 9 and TENNNNNNNNN (10)!!

    Such a fun age!
