Monday, April 25, 2011


What a difference a year makes! Last Easter we were only home from Korea for a week and we were all sick, delirious, and jet lagged. I barely remember anything about Easter last year other than being tired and totally overwhelmed. This year however was a different story. We took Ryan to the Easter bunny which he hated. We dyed Easter eggs. We hid his Easter basket and he found it all on his own. We went to church or "Chooch" as Ryan calls it and he was a very good boy and we enjoyed some family time at my parents house. Ryan was even surprised with an Easter egg hunt that my cousins prepared for him. It was so much fun!

Here are some pics from our Easter fun...
Visiting the Easter Bunny....

Dyeing Easter Eggs....

He was very excited about the Beep Beeps in his Easter Basket...

Easter Egg Hunt....


  1. He is so handsome! I love the ics of the Easter bunny, even if they are sad! I feel the same way about last Valentines day, I have no idea what we even did, we were so out of it!

  2. LOVE the photos...but sorry, that bunny would scare me too. :-) He looks so happy to be egg hunting. We had to do our egg hunt in the house yesterday. D was sick (high fever), so we didn't go anywhere. I'm glad you had a much nicer Easter this year. That first week home with our kiddos was hard...and I remember how sick you all were too. Also...some of those "beeps" (yellow construction trucks) look familiar. I think we have several of the same ones here. Happy Easter!

  3. It looks like Ryan enjoyed Easter this year!
