Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dinner for Two

My husband is out of town for work this week so it's just me and Ryan. Thank goodness he has been such a good boy! Tonight I prepared dinner for just the two of us and we sat together at the dinner table......just me and my silly little monkey! For some reason, I really took in this moment. I remembered back to this time last year when my husband would have to work late or travel and I would have to sit and eat dinner alone. It's amazing to me the difference a year can make. I feel more blessed each day having Ryan in my life and knowing that when my husband can't be here I won't have anymore nights of eating at the table alone. Instead, I get to sit and eat my dinner with my funny little boy. He always makes me laugh and tonight he was being especially silly at dinner. Every once in a while I take the time to appreciate moments as simple as eating dinner together.

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