Thursday, April 8, 2010

Poor Baby :(

My poor baby just can't catch a break. He has been SO crabby and whiny the last few days. He just finished his antibiotics for his ear infections 2 days ago. Since then he has been crying and very whiny pretty much all day the last two days. We knew he wasn't happy about something but couldn't figure out what the problem was. We just assumed he was crabby because of a tooth that's coming in. Last night my husband notice that he kept pulling on his left ear when putting him to bed. He also noticed that his left ear had a smell to it. Today when I put him down for his afternoon nap he was pulling on his left ear and I too noticed that it had a weird odor to it....gross! I called the pediatrician and luckily they had an opening at 4:10pm today . Turns out he still has an ear infection in both ears. The amoxicillin didn't work the first time so he is on something different this time around. Let's hope it works.

I feel so bad because I was getting so frustrated with him because I had no idea what the problem was. We ruled out an ear infection because we just assumed that he was feeling better after being on an antibiotic for 10 days. He is so much fun and such a sweet little boy when he feels good and it seems that we've only seen that side of him a few times being that he has been sick since we've been home. I hope that tomorrow he will start to feel better. It's so hard watching your child when they aren't feeling well. Welcome to being a parent. Let's hope next week is a better week.


  1. So tough! Poor little guy :(. Doesn't it just break your heart when they don't feel well?! After a round of antibiotics I would highly recommend getting some probiotics in him. There is one kind just for babies that Lucy has used quite a bit, especially after being sick or having to be on medicine of any kind. It is called Baby Jarro-Dophilus and you can find it at Whole Foods. I know, more unsolicited advice. It's so annoying, right?

  2. It must be so tough that he's been sick since coming home. I'm sure it makes the transition that much harder for all of you! I hope he is on the mend soon--hang in there!

  3. Poor little guy! You know what, of my 4 kids only one of them have ever had amoxicillin do ANYTHING for them. They might as well drink kool aid! What do they have him on now? There are a lot more effective antibiotics out there and I'm sure he'll have better luck with the new stuff. For some reason Amoxicillin just isn't very effective with some kids. Hoping he's feeling better soon!! It's so hard when they aren't feeling well, cause you feel so bad for them and at the same time are so drained .. Hang in there, he'll be back to that happy guy in no time! Maybe some tylenol or motrin might help with the pain?


  4. I hope poor Ryan feels better soon!

  5. Oh no...those doggone ears. Poor guy. That smell...a tell-tale sign of a bad ear infection that has drained out through the eardrum. Poor guy. Hope this next round of meds helps him get back to his happy, smiley self. Hang in there, mama! It is so hard & miserable for everyone when our little ones are sick.
